Friday, March 13, 2009

Art Reviews Coming to a Blog Near You...

Question: When Is TMITF Going to Review Gallery Shows Again?

Answer: SOON!

It's tough working a 9-5 job and still have enough energy to go out and review a show on the weekend. Thanks for all of the concerned e-mails flooding my mailbox at YES, I will be reviewing more shows in the next couple of weeks. Thank you to ALL of the gallery directors who are constantly reminding me that I need to visit them and write about their emerging talent. I don't want to make any promises, but I think the end of March will be a good month to visit this site more frequently than usual. In the meantime, please check out my Twitter feeds on the right-hand side-bar. I do update that with everyday links to news items that I find newsworthy...and some that are just plain interesting!!!